TTOR Moose Hill Farm — 621 Energy

TTOR Moose Hill Farm


621 Energy developed a 27.5 kW ground-mounted solar photovoltaic (PV) project at The Trustees of Reservations’ (TTOR) historic Moose Hill Farm property in Sharon, MA. The system was installed with no up-front cost to TTOR, who signed a long-term Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) to purchase the solar-generated electricity.

Moose Hill Farm includes 15 buildings situated on 347 acres of diverse agricultural fields, woodlands and wetlands. 621 Energy installed 5 pole-mounted dual-axis tracking systems from AllEarth Renewables to maximize electricity production per square foot of PV while working with the natural landscape and meeting the stakeholders’ aesthetic requirements.

The dual-axis trackers use a built-in GPS to precisely follow the sun from dawn to dusk and produce 35% more electricity than a fixed PV system of the same size. Each of the 5 tracker systems includes a Power One inverter and 20 to 24 ReneSola PV modules.

The dual-axis tracking system is projected to provide over 70% of Moose Hill Farm’s energy consumption. The solar PV system is a significant step for the Moose Hill property toward achieving its long-term goal of being carbon neutral.

The Trustees of Reservations are dedicated to the preservation for public use and enjoyment of properties of exceptional scenic, historic, and ecological value in Massachusetts. TTOR owns or manages over 100 properties totaling 25,000 acres.